Live Webinar - The Buy Side Evolution: Moving to Multi-Asset

For buy-side firms, moving to multi-asset investing is an absolute necessity and is critical to achieving a competitive advantage. Join us for an informative webinar exploring this trend.

Guest speaker, Kevin McPartland of Greenwich Associates, will review their recent research on how the buy side is adapting to increased investor demand for diversified asset allocation. FINCAD’s Marcus Varnai will examine the impact of multi-asset strategies on buy side firms, and cover the benefits of multi-asset portfolio analytics and risk solutions. Plus, Samer Refai of Pension Insurance Corporation, a $20B institutional asset manager, will discuss their requirements for a new Interest Rates and Derivatives desk, and how they built it.

Event Time
11 am EDT / 4 pm GMT
Event Date
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Marcus Varnai
Kevin McPartland
Samer Refai

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