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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
How Buy-Side Firms are Using Technology to Overcome Challenges
Thin investment returns, shifting regulations, and tight operating margins are serious factors that are driving buy-side firms to modernize their investment technology to stay competitive. These firms’ major obstacles to growth include error prone spreadsheets, inflexible in-house software and disparate legacy systems. How to deal with these challenges, while simultaneously promoting growth, forms
May 30, 2018
Buy-side Upgrading RiskTech to Enable Trading in New Markets and Instruments
While buy-side technology budgets have leveled out, spending on portfolio risk and analytics platforms (aka RiskTech) is accelerating. In fact, a newly-released Greenwich Associates research report ( Developments in Buy-side Risk Technology) found that three out of four investors are evaluating changes to their risk management platforms in the coming year. Greenwich Associates and FINCAD recently
May 22, 2018
Is Beer an Illiquid Asset?
I had the pleasure of sharing a delightful lunch with a couple of insurance luminaries recently, one a leading investment consultant and the other a prominent industry thought leader. Our conversation quickly honed in on an issue of singular importance: beer. Imbued with confidence gained from a recent brewing course, I passionately expounded the varying qualities of session IPA’s, amber ales and
May 16, 2018
Buy-side to Double Spending on Risk Technology in 2018
Buy-side firms are projected to increase their spending on risk technology in 2018 by twofold. This shocking statistic was released in a new research report by Greenwich Associates, Developments in Buy-side Risk Technology. This monetary jump equates to nearly 700 million USD being spent by investment-manager trading desks to manage all flavors of risk in the coming year. If spending on middle-
May 8, 2018
The Benefits of Better Curve-building and Daily Risk Reporting
Today there are more reporting, business and operational demands put upon financial institutions than ever before. Often, firms find it challenging to juggle all of these demands, while at the same time keeping costs down and revenues up. This is just the situation one of our clients, a Latin American government-owned bank, found themselves in recently. At the time, the firm approached FINCAD for
May 1, 2018