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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
Making Better Investment and Risk Decisions
Last week we announced key advances to our enterprise portfolio and risk analytics solution, FINCAD F3, which helps buy side firms make superior investment and risk decisions, improve operational efficiency and reduce operational risk. F3 enables firms to meet the key challenges of improving returns and reducing costs by helping them to: Expand into more instruments and asset classes with a
February 13, 2018
FINCAD Named Best Derivatives Valuation and Risk Solution
I’m pleased to announce that FINCAD F3 was recently named “ Best Derivatives Valuation and Risk Solution” at The Hedge Fund Journal Awards 2018. Held in London in late January, the awards ceremony recognized firms that have pioneered innovation, growth and outstanding service within the hedge fund industry. F3 is FINCAD’s next generation enterprise analytics platform that helps hedge funds, banks
February 7, 2018
How Integrated Portfolio & Risk Analytics Benefit the Buy Side
Let’s face it. Despite the recent rise in the markets, the economic climate continues to be difficult. This reality is moving buy side firms to explore new investment arenas and technologies that deliver clear benefits. One way top-performing buy side firms are achieving their goals is by phasing out inflexible legacy systems in favor of one integrated system for portfolio and risk analytics
January 30, 2018
Using VaR to Better Understand Risk in Multi-Asset Portfolios
While there are varying opinions about the significance of value at risk (VaR) in risk management, it remains one of the most fundamental methods for the critical measurement of market risk exposures. Data gathered during VaR modeling helps risk managers determine whether they have adequate capital available to cover potential losses. Typically asset management houses will have mandates that
January 23, 2018
Navigating the Risk Management Challenges in Insurance
2017 saw no shortage of innovation in the insurance world and this was certainly reflected in the technology we deployed and the solutions we discussed with our clients. The imperative to source and deploy value-added analytics solutions cannot be underestimated for insurers. For example, internal models demand sophisticated and bespoke analytics based on market leading asset modeling and curve
January 16, 2018