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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
How to Solve Common Buy-Side Valuation and Risk Challenges
At FINCAD we work with many buy-side firms to help solve their difficult portfolio and risk management challenges. Every client situation is unique, but we’ve been able to identify some common problems they face, which are holding them back from realizing good profitability. In today’s blog post, we will cover two of these issues in some detail. We will also review how a sophisticated portfolio
October 26, 2017
Going Where the Yield Is
To improve investment performance, buy side firms are increasingly embracing multi-asset trading strategies. The problem for many firms is that their existing portfolio and risk systems cannot easily handle new asset classes and instruments. This problem limits their ability to implement new multi-asset strategies. As a result, firms are now exploring new solutions that will give them the freedom
October 11, 2017
Portfolio & Risk Solutions: Build, Buy, or the Best of Both Worlds?
Today’s most successful buy-side firms know the importance of using multi-asset strategies to generate better returns in a difficult climate. However, many are challenged by inflexible technology, including home-grown legacy systems that make entry into new asset classes difficult to impossible. Traditionally this situation has left firms with two options. Either they could buy a solution from an
September 20, 2017
Better Curves = Better Returns: 3 Webinars for Asset Managers and Hedge Funds
It’s no secret that market changes such as negative interest rates, OIS discounting and greater regulation around margining have made curve-building more difficult than ever. If you want to thrive in this unpredictable marketplace, you must have the flexibility to rapidly adjust your curves on a moment’s notice and without excess cost. And fast, flexible curve-building is not only critical to
September 12, 2017
How Enterprise Technology Helps You Generate Better Returns
Buy side institutions are learning that the trend of today is multi-asset trading. The firms that are successfully generating alpha in the current climate are the ones adopting more sophisticated trading strategies, involving complex instruments. “The buy side continues the move to multi-asset trading to manage increasingly diversified portfolios, find liquidity, and reduce volatility. This
September 6, 2017