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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
How Do I Choose the Right Analytics Solution?
The meeting is over. A decision has been made. You have the mandate to begin working with an external vendor to meet the increased derivative pricing and risk analytics demands of your clients. Time to market is critical, and you don’t have unlimited budget or resources. You have already spoken to a few vendors, as you knew this day would come. But how do you ultimately choose the analytics
February 17, 2016
Are Your Holiday Calendars Costing You Money?
As a buy- or sell-side firm, you may not be thinking about some of the more detailed aspects of managing your investment portfolio, like for example, how your trade calendar and particularly holidays are treated in your analytics system. But the truth is that getting holiday conventions right is crucially important to helping you accurately price trades. The traditional process financial
February 10, 2016
Models and Measures 1
A few years after Black, Scholes and Merton produced their path-breaking option pricing model, other researchers developed what has become known as risk-neutral valuation. The risk-neutral valuation principle is wonderfully simple. To value a derivative we do not need to know how the underlying market variables behave in the real world. All we need to know is how they behave in the (totally unreal
February 2, 2016
How to Make Risk a Competitive Advantage
Many financial institutions once viewed risk management systems as necessary primarily for compliance purposes. However, today, a growing number of asset managers regard these systems as pivotal to the investment process itself—that is key to generating higher returns, limiting losses, improving margins and raising the confidence of clients, investors and stakeholders. So, you may be asking, what
January 27, 2016
How to Overcome the Modeling Challenges of Hybrids
In the strictest sense, a hybrid is a derivative or security exposed to more than one asset class. For more practical purposes, hybrids are derivatives that are sensitive to correlations between underlyings, whether they are in one asset class or multiple. An example of a traditional hybrid instrument would be a convertible bond, which is exposed to the value of the underlying equity, interest
January 21, 2016