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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
The Joy of Generalism
In software careers, as in life, there are many paths to choose from, and very often, where one winds up is as much a result of luck or chance as it is intention. In the software industry, there is a widespread belief that there are only two major career paths: Become a technical specialist Become a manager However, in reality, there is an often-overlooked third choice: Become a technical
October 29, 2015
Back to Basics: Exploring Fundamental Functionality of Derivatives Pricing Platforms
Most buy and sell side institutions realize the importance of having a robust system for creating cool new models, gaining support for complex payoffs, and performing advanced scenario analysis—that is, the more complicated tasks involved in managing a trade portfolio. However, over the years in my work with numerous financial firms, I have found that while institutions may initially be drawn to a
October 14, 2015
Gearing Up for SIMM
For derivatives firms, keeping pace in a marketplace characterized by ever-stricter compliance oversight is no easy feat. The current reality is that most institutions’ risk approach is not comprehensive enough to handle the demands of today’s changing regulatory environment. As such, the majority of these firms will need to adjust and modernize their risk practices in order to successfully cope
September 30, 2015
Why Negative Rates are Here to Stay
When interest rates lower than zero first appeared, for many of us, the concept didn’t add up. After all, why would a financial institution pay to lend someone money? But recently, negative interest rates have been increasingly adopted as an unconventional method of reviving the economy. While we have seen near-zero interest rates on both sides of the Atlantic for several years now, things got
September 21, 2015
Evolving Technology to Meet Risk Management Requirements
There were a few major themes that came out of FINCAD’s recent industry survey, looking at how financial institutions are evolving risk technology to meet regulatory demand. We hosted a webinar where we presented these results and there was quite a lot of interest on this subject but in case you weren’t able to attend we captured these key highlights in this blog post for your convenience. This
September 16, 2015