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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
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Solvency II in Focus
As we return from summer holidays, it is the same as the many global insurers make their (hopefully) final preparations to comply with a significantly expanded Solvency II regime taking effect January 2016. There are a number of areas included for this deadline, and those of particular importance include the need for expanded risk reporting with greater accuracy and robust modeling in pricing
September 15, 2015
Don't Leave Money on the Table, Partner
As a technology provider to financial firms, how often have you felt “nearly there” on client requirements, or given up on RFP’s where you would have had a good shot if only you had been able to offer that additional bit of functionality? How many times have you pondered over investing money that really isn’t in your budget in order to win critical new business or keep an important client? I think
September 9, 2015
Out of the Darkness and Into the Light: From Bumping to Analytic Risk
In the past several years, leading quant teams have been utilizing Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) to accelerate their valuation and risk management calculations. While AD has only been applied in financial markets recently, the methodology is several decades old. For many years, this technique has been successfully applied to a variety of fields including Oceanography, Physics, Geology
September 8, 2015
Algorithmic Differentiation: Shattering the Myths
Lately I’ve noticed some inaccurate ideas regarding Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) floating around in the press. And so, I feel obliged to set the record straight. For those unfamiliar with AD, it is a mathematical technique that helps firms with derivatives on their books rapidly solve complex pricing and analytics problems. In fact, firms utilizing AD typically experience staggering
August 13, 2015
Picking the Right Valuation and Risk Solution for TARFs
On July 7, FINCAD, Ascent and PRMIA held a workshop in Hong Kong at the Central Plaza that explored key considerations for trading, pricing, and risk managing target accrual redemption forwards (TARFs). TARFs are becoming an increasingly popular structured product because they allow investors to hedge their currency exposure at a relatively low cost. As part of the Hong Kong-based event, Tony Webb
July 30, 2015