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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
Top Considerations for Risk Managing Hedge Funds
On July 8, FINCAD attended the Hedge Fund Startup Forum in Hong Kong at the Excelsior. The purpose of the event was to provide individuals looking to start a hedge fund with an in-depth guide for setting up a fund and gaining investment. Tony Webb, PhD, Director of Analytics at FINCAD gave a presentation geared to helping hedge funds understand how to select the right portfolio and risk management
July 29, 2015
Driving Better Trading Decisions with UAD
FINCAD’s on-demand webinar, Improve Trading Performance with Faster Risk Analytics, explores the importance of calculation speed, accuracy and coverage in driving improved trading decisions. Guest speakers include Jeffrey Kutler, Editor-in-Chief of Risk Professional at GARP and Russell Goyder, Director of Quantitative Research and Development at FINCAD. During the presentation, Kutler remarks that
July 22, 2015
Mastering Negative Rates
FINCAD recently held a webinar, Mastering Negative Rates, to discuss how negative rates came into existence, and offer best practices for modeling them. Guest speakers included Hugh Stewart, Research Director at Chartis Research and Russell Goyder, PhD, Director of Quantitative Research and Development at FINCAD. Once thought to be impossible, negative rates are now common in many European
July 21, 2015
Join the Algorithmic Differentiation Revolution
FINCAD was featured in a recent article, Structured Products Desks Join the AAD revolution. The article discusses how derivatives dealers are now electing to apply adjoint algorithmic differentiation (AAD) to complex pricing and analytics problems. FINCAD has been a pioneer in this area, having incorporated its own implementation of AAD into its F3 Platform, which it launched in 2010
July 13, 2015
Event Highlights: Buy-Side Forum on Valuation and Pricing
In late June, FINCAD sponsored The 2nd Annual Practitioners’ Forum on Valuation & Pricing for Buy-Side Firms. The aim of the London-based conference was to explore the governance and risk management challenges facing today’s buy-sides as they seek to meet regulatory expectations for valuation under AIFMD, OTC reform, EMIR and Solvency II. One highlight of the forum was an insightful presentation
July 9, 2015