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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
Reflections on 1990: the Year FINCAD Opened its Doors
By any measure, 1990 will be remembered as a remarkable year—for many reasons. There were a lot of firsts that year. Poland became the first eastern European country to abolish its state socialist economy, withdraw from the Warsaw Pact and move toward free elections. That was the beginning of the end of communist hegemony over Eastern Europe, the breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of the East
August 23, 2016
Wrong Way Risk in CVA Calculations
The credit value adjustment (CVA) is an adjustment to the way a dealer values a portfolio of derivatives with a counterparty to allow for the possibility that the counterparty might default. The CVA reduces the value of the portfolio by the amount that is expected to be lost if the counterparty defaults. We described how it is calculated in an earlier blog: “ Valuation Adjustments 1.” The life of
August 16, 2016
3 Best Practices for Thriving in a Negative Rates Environment
FINCAD recently held a webinar, “Negative Rates: Dealing with an Unorthodox Experiment.” During the presentation, I discussed the origin of negative interest rates, the challenges they are creating and gave best practices for modeling them. As many of us know, interest rates near zero have been around for a long time. But things really got going in 2015 when the European Central Bank’s (ECB)
August 9, 2016
Negative Rates: An Unorthodox Experiment
PRMIA and FINCAD recently co-hosted an event in New York City focused on the growing global trend towards negative interest rates as an unconventional means of sparking economic growth. The seminar was titled, “Negative Rates: Dealing with an Unorthodox Experiment,” and was led by Russell Goyder PhD, Director of Quantitative Research and Development, FINCAD. The event offered a great opportunity
August 3, 2016
The Next Generation of Valuation and Risk
We are in the midst of exciting times here at FINCAD. Last week we announced the latest release of F3, our advanced valuation and risk solution. One of the key enhancements was the introduction of F3 WorkStation, a powerful portfolio analytics and risk application enabling portfolio managers, traders, and risk managers to quickly leverage F3’s leading analytics for improved trading, hedging and
July 19, 2016