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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
Swaps Market Takes Another Hit: New Rule Mandates Collateral to Back-Up Treasuries
Last week marked more bad news for the swaps market. The CFTC announced— to much objection from brokers, traders and clearing-houses alike—that Treasuries will no longer be considered feasible collateral for potential defaults, and instead they will need to be supported with additional credit lines. Swaps have already taken a beating against futures contracts which in definition appear nearly
November 18, 2013
European derivatives trading will face new reporting regulations
European derivatives trading will soon have to cope with more stringent reporting requirements as a result of a decision that was recently made by the European Commission. The European Securities Markets Authority previously asked that the EC push back the adoption of new reporting requirements until 2015, according to Reuters. These rules would affect derivatives securities transacted through
November 8, 2013
Early SEF results are positive, but is it too soon to tell?
Data released on the first week after the official launch of trading via Swap Execution Facilities (SEF) showed that trading was substantial at a volume of 6,500 swaps, which initially averaged 1200 trades daily. While market share leaders including Bloomberg (which led at 84% for FX derivatives), and ICAP (which led with 70% market share for interest rate swaps) enjoyed a profitable week, many
November 7, 2013
Derivatives trading happening on Asian bourses receives boost from foreign traders
The derivatives trading happening on exchanges in Asia was recently boosted by market participants based in foreign nations, executives from financial institutions such as Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing and Singapore Exchange stated at a recent industry event. At a session that was held in Chicago before the start of the latest annual version of the Futures Industry Association Expo, executives
November 7, 2013
Fed announces scenarios that will be harnessed for bank stress tests
On Nov. 1, the Federal Reserve released the scenarios that will be harnessed to stress test banks. Daniel Tarullo, who is a Fed governor, noted the key role that these assessments could play. "The capital planning and stress testing program has been an integral component of the Federal Reserve's broader supervisory and regulatory efforts to make the financial system stronger and safer since the
November 7, 2013