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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
Eurex to offer derivatives trading of contracts based on Vienna Stock Exchange indices
Germany-based bourse Eurex announced on Oct. 28 that it will soon list derivatives products that are based around indices that are currently listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange. As a result, global market participants will have an easier time gaining exposure to Austrian securities, according to Banking Technology. By the end of last month, a total of more than 6.8 million Austrian derivatives
November 1, 2013
Industry representative: Basel III will reduce ROE of banks in Philippines
Lorenzo Tan, president of the Bankers Association of the Philippines, stated at a recent industry event that the financial performance of lenders in the nation will likely be hampered in 2014 as a result of implementing the Basel III requirements. "Generally, Basel III will lower your expected net income … (the impact) varies from bank to bank," Tan told members of the media who were present at
October 30, 2013
Barnier: Uncertain U.S. derivatives regulations hindering free trade agreement
Michel Barnier, a key European official who has supervision over financial regulation, recently stated that the inability of the United States to create derivatives regulations that are similar to those of the European Union is holding up a trading agreement between the two jurisdictions. Barnier indicated that he might be able to create an agreement with Gary Gensler, who currently serves as
October 30, 2013
New venture provides small banks with fixed-income derivatives
At a time when many small banks could potentially benefit from greater access to methods that might help them manage the risk that they will be affected by increases in interest rates, one firm has stepped up and started providing these lending institutions with OTC derivatives. B&F Capital Markets is a company that has developed these off-exchange financial instruments for various small lenders
October 29, 2013
Panel discusses trends in hedge fund competitiveness and compliance
FINCAD organized two interesting events in New York City yesterday, covering two hot-button areas of finance for hedge funds and banks. In the morning, we co-hosted a breakfast briefing for hedge funds at the Princeton - Columbia University Club. The panel included representatives of software providers, consultants and advisory firms. Audience representation included technology providers, fund
October 9, 2013