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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
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FSB Illuminates "Shadow Banks"
Last month’s G20 summit in Russia resulted, among other things, in a new set of global rules endorsed by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). The new regulation applies to shadow banks, a $60 trillion industry that has now been given until 2015 to fully comply with its first set of global rules. The regulation was prompted due to the risky nature of shadow banking which resulted in mainstream
October 4, 2013
RiskMinds Risk and Regulation Forum in Nice, France.
I didn't manage to make it to Nice last week for the RiskMinds Risk and Regulation Forum, but judging from the photos and my colleagues' recaps of the event, I think I'll make it a point to be there next year. The three-day event drew almost 200 attendees, who came together to hear speakers from the likes of Basel Committee, the European Commission, Banco de Espana and KPMG (the event’s lead
September 23, 2013
As Oct 9 Clearing Deadline Approaches, Non-US Clients Are Starting to Pull the Plug
As the Dodd Frank deadline for clearing approaches in just over 2 weeks, there has been much concern over how non-US clients may start to cease their relationships with foreign branches of US banks. Well—this is becoming a reality, as many non-US counterparties have decided to stop trading with US banks. As originally reported, there was a suspected equivalent of having the exemptive period
September 23, 2013
Alpha Hedge West panelists offer fresh insight into risk management approaches
After attending the recent Alpha Hedge West event at the Ritz Carlton San Francisco this week I can say that this was a great event put on by the IMN team and Seth Kadushin. It attracted a considerable group of buy-side industry leaders and was an excellent chance to hear the latest industry trends and best practices, and to network with some of the best minds in the buy-side and hedge fund eco
September 18, 2013
A Lot of Pushing Back But Not Enough Pushing Forward
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) announced today the postponement, until November, of plans requiring OTC derivatives users to report their trades. The six-week delay is due to numerous insufficient applications. At least 7 trade repositories have applied for ESMA’s authorization including CME Group, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, Ice and the Independent Trade
September 13, 2013