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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
Cheers! FINCAD Celebrates 30 Years
Here at FINCAD, we have an important reason to celebrate. This month, we mark 30 years in the business of pioneering market-leading derivatives analytics software for our capital markets clients. In my view, this is a remarkable accomplishment, particularly considering the fast-paced and, at times, extremely volatile nature of our business. I’ve been working at FINCAD for 20 years now. During that
August 11, 2020
FINCAD Names Nora Irene Ghartey as Winner of its 2020 Women in Finance Scholarship
Drumroll please… It is my greatest pleasure to announce that we have selected a winner for this year’s Women in Finance Scholarship! Nora Irene Ghartey, a native of Ghana and exceptionally talented young woman, will use the award money to pursue a MSc degree in Financial Mathematics at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE). At FINCAD, we are committed to helping talented
August 5, 2020
The Beauty of Simplifying Hedge Accounting
When it comes to hedge accounting, firms face common challenges that add unnecessary complexity to their operations. Chief among these are relying on spreadsheets and manual processes for tasks such as hedging interest rate risk or tracking cash flow volatility. But while spreadsheet usage is a typical practice for hedge accounting, it is a time-consuming and massively error-prone one. In today’s
July 28, 2020
End of IBOR
Gearing Up for the End of IBOR
The move to alternative risk-free rates (RFRs) is upon us. While we do not know an exact date for when Libor will be formally discontinued, we believe it’s coming –and relatively soon. Firms are now in a phase of needing to adapt their technology and valuation and risk processes to meet this new frontier. From EONIA to €STR To foster liquidity one of the first steps involves transitioning the
July 9, 2020
Python vs. Excel: Which is better for data analysis?
Throughout the finance industry, we’ve seen a surge in Python use for development of data analysis. Many firms are even eliminating reliance on spreadsheets in areas like modeling and risk reporting. They are instead building out new analyses with Python—which are more functional and robust than Excel workbooks ever were. What’s Driving the Move to Python? The volume of information that firms work
June 18, 2020