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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
Prepare for the Impacts of Monetary Expansion by Leveraging Inflation
The outlook for economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic remains uncertain. But we are seeing the US Fed and many other central banks taking drastic steps to stem deflation and stimulate lending. US interest-rates are now almost zero, and modern expansionist monetary policy is in full effect with quantitative easing and the use of newly printed money for intervention in the open markets. In
June 9, 2020
FINCAD Named a Top Employer in Two Competitions
I am pleased to announce that FINCAD has recently been recognized as an outstanding employer in two competitions. FINCAD was named one of BC’s Top Employers for 2020 and a Top Canadian Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) for 2020. BC's Top Employers recognizes the 100 British Columbian employers that lead their industries in offering excellent places to work. Noted as a workplace innovator, FINCAD
June 5, 2020
Are Firms Ready for the Transition to SOFR Discounting?
The way forward for the cessation of the Libor benchmark rate continues to take shape. One change presently planned for October 2020 is the switch from Fed Funds to SOFR discounting. Undoubtedly, moving to SOFR will create challenges for affected firms, as their systems and processes may not be ready for this massive shift. To assess just how prepared financial institutions are to meet the demands
May 21, 2020
Women in Finance
Now accepting applications: FINCAD’S 2020 Women in Finance Scholarship
We are very pleased to announce that the 2020 Women in Finance Scholarship is now open and accepting applications! For those unfamiliar, the scholarship is aimed at supporting exceptional women in the field of finance, particularly those pursuing careers in financial asset management, market risk management and derivatives finance within the capital markets.
May 15, 2020
Negative Oil Futures: A Sign Of Things To Come?
Negative Oil Futures: A Sign Of Things To Come?
Preparing your option pricing and risk models for negative commodity futures prices This week began with a shocking decline in the May WTI oil futures contract price. In an unexpected sequence of events, combining the low demand for oil, a definitive lack of storage options, and a rush of traders exiting positions before delivery obligations were to occur, the perfect storm was created. The WTI
April 24, 2020