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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
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The Uncertain Fate of Libor and Non-Linear Derivatives
In the financial sector, swift progress is being made to prepare for Libor’s end. Global regulators are publishing timelines that are quickly advancing us towards a transition to alternative rates like SOFR, SONIA and €STR. It is clear that rapid progress has been made for linear products like futures, swaps, bonds, and loans. But there are still a myriad of challenges that must be addressed for
November 14, 2019
Time for Change: Transitioning from Libor to SONIA
Some of us recall, when in July of 2017, Andrew Bailey, Chairman of the FCA, gave a speech on the future of Libor. In the speech, Bailey expressed that, “ Work must begin in earnest on planning the transition to alternative reference rates that are based firmly on transactions.” This day marked the kick-off the Libor transition. Fast forward a couple of years later, and here we are. Timelines have
October 25, 2019
Are crypto assets a game changer for investors?
As recent as last year, crypto was not taken as seriously as it is today. But now, cryptocurrencies are increasingly growing in popularity as viable investment assets. The reality is that institutions cannot afford to ignore crypto in our current marketplace. Evidence of crypto’s growth can be seen in the expansion of this nascent asset class. One of the most current developments has been the
October 8, 2019
Exploring the Challenges of the €STR, SOFR and SONIA Transition
FINCAD recently held a Libor breakfast briefing at the De Nieuwe Poort restaurant in beautiful Amsterdam. The event titled, “ Practical Solutions for the €STR, SOFR and SONIA Transition,” was put on in collaboration with organizations, Cardano and TopQuants. I was pleased to learn that the attendees found the presentations informative and the speakers highly knowledgeable on this pressing topic
October 1, 2019
FINCAD Raises Over $14,500 for Children with Diverse Abilities
On September 16, the sun came out just in time for 12 FINCAD employees to rappel down our 25-story office building in Surrey. We are so honored to have been able to participate in Easter Seal’s 2019 Drop Zone fundraising event—and even more excited that we exceeded our fundraising goal! With the generous support and donations of my fellow Fincadians and other donors, we were able to raise more
September 25, 2019