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Exploring FRTB's Fragmented Implementation Across Jurisdictions
The fragmented implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) across various jurisdictions poses major challenges for global financial institutions. Dissimilar go-live timelines and rules are leading to inconsistencies in capital requirements and regulatory burdens. Learn about FRTB complexities in our blog.
Remote Locations
Are You Prepared for the Libor Transition?
Uncertainty surrounding how the industry will transition away from Libor and towards new risk-free rates (RFRs) is starting to dissipate. There is now clarity on legal dates and a clear idea of what a Libor replacement will look like. In FINCAD’s newly released video, Christian Kahl, PhD and I discuss five of the major challenges of the Libor transition and the role that technology will play in
July 30, 2019
5 Popular Blog Posts on Developing with Python
In recent years, the popularity of Python for development has exploded. In fact, earlier this year, it was Python that was used by scientists to develop a new algorithm for taking the first ever photo of a black hole. The potential use cases for this powerful and easy-to-work-with programming language seem endless. Certainly, in the financial sector we have seen incredible uptake of Python
July 17, 2019
Why the Time to Begin Preparing for the Libor Phaseout—is Now
Libor, the widely used inter-bank lending rate, is on track to be phased out by the year 2021. With approximately $350 trillion dollars of derivatives and other products linked to Libor, the discontinuation of this key benchmark rate is expected to create significant legal, operational, valuation and risk challenges for effected firms. We’ve now come to a point where financial oversight bodies in
July 9, 2019
FINCAD at Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019
Last week we were delighted to attend Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019. Our thanks and congratulations to Oli Henry and everyone at IAR for putting on such an engaging and ultimately successful event. There was no shortage of exciting talking points on the day. The panel sessions and presentations addressed a multitude of highly topical themes facing the insurance industry including; the perils of
June 20, 2019
FINCAD Employees to Rappel Off 25-floor Building for Charity
On the 16 th of September, 15 FINCAD employees will rappel off the 25-story Central City Tower in Surrey, B.C.—and it’s not just because we are a rowdy bunch with an affinity for extreme thrills. It’s actually for a much bigger and better cause. We at FINCAD are honored to be participating in Easter Seals’ Drop Zone 2019 fundraising event. This incredible charity helps to raise much needed funds
June 17, 2019